March 2023: Dataviz Universe Monthly Roundup
Highlighting the Top Dataviz Finds and Projects I Came Across and Developed in the Past Month
👋 Hello there! I'm Yan and I'm thrilled to welcome you to The Dataviz Universe, my newsletter where I share my musings on all things related to Data Visualization.
As the month comes to a close, I eagerly look forward to sharing some of the most inspiring dataviz projects I've come across recently. Alongside this, I'll also be sharing a few tutorials that I've written, as well as a few random tidbits that you may find useful.
This edition is particularly special, as it's the first time I'm publishing this end-of-the-month format. So, without further ado, let's dive in! 🙇
Viz projects of the month
I spend a good fraction of my time browsing the web for the best dataviz projects.
The good news is I take note and list them in my website. It’s a little bit like Pinterest, but for dataviz. Oh and you can filter entries by chart types. 🤓
Since it is the first edition of this format, let me show you how the website looks like:

This month I discovered more than 20 projects that I loved, or at least that triggered my interest.
I discovered the work of Michela Lazzaroni that would deserve a whole newsletter edition, an app called chronotrains that tells how far you can travel from anywhere in 5 hours of train, an interesting yet grim article about the billionaire boom and so much more!

Check it out and more importantly, feel free to share your favorite projects with me! I will be thrilled to add them to the list.
Dataviz tutorials
I’m the owner of 6 dataviz related websites 😳
I try to make them grow beside my real job.
Those days I’m mainly focusing on the React Graph Gallery. I wrote several tutorials this month. You can now learn how to build lollipop charts, circular barplots, pie charts and donut plots using React and d3.js. 🎉
I also stumbled on an awesome chart made by Gilbert Fontana.
It’s a line chart using small multiple to show the evolution of a few countries of a dataset. What I love here is that all groups are repeated on every subplot.
It provides the necessary context and is one of my favorite dataviz techniques:

And good news! We decided to work together with Gilbert Fontana and there is now a R tutorial explaining how to build this chart with ggplot2! 🎉
Last but not least I made a POC of my future dataviz blogs aggregator 😊. I have no idea where this is going to but you might hear more about it soon.
Buzz of the month
I confess I love it when a chart gets viral on twitter. This one is not spectacular in term of Data Visualization, but the message is powerful.

Random bits
The Toulouse DataViz association had their Hackaviz 2023. Looking forward to seeing the results!
Do you think you can represent the same tiny dataset using 100 different charts? They did it!
Nadieh Bremer will give a keynote at the next Outlier conf which makes me wish I live in Portugal
Just discovered plot parade: a project allowing to build a few good looking charts in minute
A tik-tok challenge leading to car thefts? Those charts are convincing!
5 charts that changed the world
And that’s it for this month!
PS: It’s the first time I try this “monthly recap” format. I’m eager to know what you think!