Last Chance Alert ⏰ !
Hi! It's me again 😅.
I just wanted to let you know that there's only a couple hours left before registration closes for the pre-launch of my new course, productive r workflow.
This week, registration is available at an exceptionally preferential rate, and I'm excited to announce that more than 200 enthusiasts have already joined this journey! 🎉
The testimonials are excellent:

The course distills the essence of the key advice I frequently share with R users into an interactive learning experience.
You will learn about writing better code, crafting beautiful reports with Quarto, use version control with git and publish your results on GitHub.
If you use R for your work, I promise you will find a ton of value in it!
At the end of today, the course fee will be more than double the current offer.
I know I've been emailing a lot this week, and I'm sorry if it's gotten on your nerves. I’m putting so much work on this project I hope you will ❤️ it!
This is the last time I'll mention the course for a while, I promise!
Thanks so much for your patience 🙏,